Real Property Management Midlands

Making a Realistic Deep Cleaning Schedule

Cleaning your West Columbia rental home can be stressful, particularly if you’re not accustomed to deep cleaning. But every home must be deep cleaned regularly, notwithstanding how big or small it may be. It may be tempting to put off deep cleaning tasks, which may seem like it’s saving you some work in the short run. However, postponing important cleaning tasks may make you feel even more overwhelmed since the job gets bigger and more complicated to complete the longer you wait. Think about making a schedule and splitting the work into manageable tasks instead. Here are a couple of suggestions for making and sticking to a deep cleaning schedule for your home.

Make a List

Deep cleaning your rental home doesn’t have to be daunting if you break down the work into smaller tasks and set aside the time you’ll need to complete them. The best place to start is by determining what needs to be cleaned and how often.

First, list all the areas in your home that need deep cleaning. This may include rooms like the kitchen and bathroom, bedrooms, common areas, and surfaces like windows, walls, and carpets. Once you have a comprehensive list, you can start creating your schedule.

Create a Schedule

Afterward, identify how much time is required to finish each task and how often you should do them. For illustration, often used areas like kitchens and bathrooms need to be deep cleaned more regularly, while other areas of the house, like carpets, baseboards, light fixtures, and all that, only require to be deep cleaned once or twice a year. Try implementing a calendar or planner, which could prove to be useful in this step. You may also utilize a checklist, such as the one found at this link, to ensure that nothing is forgotten.

To guarantee you don’t get overwhelmed, begin by adding a few tasks to your calendar each week and then add more as you adapt to the schedule. You can also break down each task into smaller steps to make it less stressful. To be specific, deep cleaning the whole kitchen can look like a daunting project. Rather than tackling the whole room in a single day, you might want to concentrate on cleaning the stovetop and oven one day and then scrubbing the fridge, floors, or cabinets the next day.

Sticking to Your Schedule

Ultimately, the true test of a successful deep cleaning schedule is how easy it is to keep following it. While it’s essential to be realistic about what you can complete in a week, try not to become upset if you miss a day or two. Simply pick up where you left off and continue following the schedule. Keep in mind to schedule some time for yourself each week to tidy up common areas like the living room and bedrooms. This will assist in keeping your home looking neat and inviting, even on the days when you’re not doing a deep clean.

Consider working with a professional cleaning service if you’re struggling to keep up with your schedule. They can perform the deep cleaning while you focus on other tasks, like work or taking care of your family.

By following these tips, you may develop a deep cleaning schedule that won’t leave you feeling overwhelmed. And by following it, you can keep your rental home looking its best.


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